Happy Weekend Friends! Today's blog comes to you today with the energies of the planet. We have Mars fighting with Saturn, and a Mercury and Neptune interaction affecting the energies of this weekend and going into the Full Gemini Moon on Monday. What does this mean for you?
It's a big energy alert of caution! Be careful with machinery, be careful with exercise so you do not fall, be aware of what you are trying to achieve. Are you forcing it this weekend? Can it wait until next week? The energies are on a tipsy - turvy track of creating blockages and keeping us from not accomplishing anything that has to be forced or controlled. Machinery may have issues as well, as Mars is the energy of engines. Neptune is the energy of surprises and interruptions, Mercury is the planet of communication and Saturn is the task master. Mars is ready to disrupt anything mechanical. Mercury is in a bad position, creating the energy of fights, anger, and relationship issues. You will feel it most this weekend. Be kind in every way, put boundaries up with negative people, and keep your energy fresh the next few days as these energies get stronger.
On the flip side of this disruptive energy, you may be making BIG plans, plans that you think will go one way, but then they dramatically shift into a different dynamic that may actually be better or protective of you in the outcome. Plans may not even happen at all or be significantly delayed, so breath, breath, breath as we head into this coming week. Try not to get caught up in the delays and the blockages that may well bring up anger and frustration for so many of us. It will be a weekend of challenges, but you can get through it even if it may not go the way you envisioned it. You can do this!
Gift Cards ~ They are available for purchase through Stirpe or Paypal here on the website. If you choose to purchase, please make sure your person that you are buying for really wants a reading. Many people have bought for family and friends in the past, and the person feels weird about getting a reading, doesn't get how it works, or just does not use the gift card, then they want the money instead of the reading.
Unfortunately, I have had to include a "no refund policy" on gift cards now because of this trend of "just give me the money". Please, please, please, check with your people before you gift a reading. Also, my booking page does not recognize gift cards, (I don't know why and wish it did). The recipient will need to contact me to set up an appointment or book it, then comment that this is a gift card purchase they are redeeming in the comment section of the booking form. I have products on this site also that your person can buy directly and Wix recognizes gift cards for those purchases. Click Here to purchase a Gift Card. I am happy to send Christmas product gifts too, wrapped with a card if you like. Add that in the comments of your purchase as well. I do custom products too, so if you want something special, please reach out to me.
Last but not least...have you tried out the new Channeled subscription feature here on my website? I channel a message from the Universe, Guides, and Angels onto a digital recording, then send you an MP3 reading every week until you cancel. It is $7.00 a week. Recordings go out on Mondays. This is the recorded message for this past week. Listen and see if you like it, then head over to the subscription page to sign up. I love, love, love, sharing the messages from Spirit and hopefully you will love receiving those messages. Click Here to listen.
Wishing you a Magickal week as we head into December. Thank you to everyone who has reached out with their beautiful reading stories. I am working hard on getting the manuscript put together and hopefully ready for publish by Spring. I am so grateful for all of you and send you love, light, and hugs!
Brightest Blessings,