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Offering Digital Recorded Readings ~ Yes I am Back

Happy Day Everyone! I was sitting at my desk trying to figure out what the heck to write about coming back one more time. I was doubting myself and feeling kind of weird about what to say, then the Meme in this post came up in my facebook. It really says it all. I got a "God Call" a big thumbs up from Spirit, a "Hey, this is your Super Power, You need to open it up again."

It started three weeks ago when the Spirit world, the Angels, my Guides, and a lot of living people started asking me for Readings. I usually would send clients to my dear friend and Colleague Michele Rothberg Trosper to get a Reading, but this first week of October I found myself sending people to her, but then Reading for them in my sleep. (Yes, I dream read for people. I have done it my whole life. Dream Readings have been waking me up over and over again, especially this past two weeks, to the point where I had to pay attention and dive deep inside myself to ask, "I am supposed to come back to this again"???

I struggled with this feeling for the last month really, wondering if people would think me flakey, ridiculous, or just plain stupid for offering Readings again, but then I got a "God Call." I had a meeting with Spirit in my sleep. I was sitting at the feet of what I believe was God, Spirit, Higher Power, and a powerful Voice was telling me I am healed up. I am stronger than I have ever been. I have nurtured and strengthened my vocal cords through singing voice therapy. Working as a Flower Farmer has my body stronger and healthier than it has ever been, so what's the fear? Is it what other people will think...YES! Is it that you might lose your voice? ...YES!! Is that you might fail...NO! I don't believe in failure, I believe in lessons, and I have learned this lesson of healing and nurturing myself. I have taken time to heal my entire my body. I can do this work with power and strength but most of all, I am doing the thing that shares with others who I truly am. A healer, a messenger, someone who shares the love of Spirit, Angels, Guides and the Other Side with humanity.

So here I am once again. sending out a blast email to all of my beloved Clients, friends and people I have shared energy with in the past to say I am starting over again with the Messages.

I have a schedule up on my website to book a time, not an appointment per-say, but a time to get a digital recording reading.

This means I have the entire week to get readings recorded and sent to all of you that may book. This gives me time to rest my voice between readings and not stress my vocal cords because I do still lose my voice if I talk to much in one day. I have a small window open every Monday that you can book a reading on for that week, then it is on to the next week to book a time. I do Readings that booked for that Monday all through the week, record them, and send them to you through email and Facebook in an MP3 file. Payment and scheduling are all on my website for your convenience.

I am not offering phone or in person readings. I am starting out slow and building from there. So here we go...stronger and better than ever, looking forward to Reading and sharing messages again, as I have missed that vital part of me and who I am.

I am wishing every one of you a Blessed October and opportunities for your "God Call" to come through and guide you where you are meant to be.

Brightest Blessings,


Click Here to go to the booking page.

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2021 GQ Spirit Productions Inc.

Disclaimer ***

*The readings that I provide are for guidance only. What you decide to do, including any actions you take, with the information that I give you, is based on your own personal responsibility and choice. All readings and questions answered should at no time be regarded as legal, medical, financial, psychological or business fact and are subject to your own interpretation and judgment. For legal reasons, we must advise you that the readings are for entertainment purposes only. Ginger’s services are not a substitute for professional services, and it is advised that you should seek advice from the relevant qualified expert.  Refunds are not given after services are rendered****

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