Happy February everyone! We are heading into some new exciting energies this month, as we all experience some intense energetic upgrades and new beginnings. The energies are helping us to look deep inside our Souls and discover the new parts of our individual healing and brilliant new awakenings in our life paths. It is exciting, a bit jolting, and divinely orchestrated. We are being guided into a brand-new way of being our highest, most aware self ever!
In alignment with this energy and the awakening of our divine spiritual selves, I am offering my Soul Sessions Academy, Certification Mentorship program to those people who are interested in taking their abilities to a higher place. The Beginning Psychic/Mediumship course is also available. Check both of these courses out on the Services page of my website to sign up. Sign up for Mentorship ends on February 9th.
Various mini readings are now on sale, at the lowest price ever, to help you gain clarity and insights into what is coming for you this month. Psychic Phone Readings are also on sale, also at the lowest price ever, to ring in the Chinese New Year and the month of February!
As we head into the rest of this week, be good to you and your body, as the incoming energies can push our buttons, make us jittery and agitated, and also very sensitive to other people. Be kind to you and your feelings, plus the feelings of others as we are raising up our vibes to a brand new high!
I am wishing you a month full of new beginnings, enlightened dreams, and joyous celebration of the new you that is trying to emerge.
Brightest Blessings,